Judging for the Canadian Marketing Awards 2023 “Engagement Discipline”

I’m very proud and thrilled to have been selected by the Canadian Marketing Association this year to participate as a judge for the “CMA Awards 2023 “in the Engagement Discipline!

I’ve finished evaluating and assessing campaigns from across the Country, and found some creative, bold, and outstanding examples of “Engagement!”

What is Engagement?

Engagement is about the dialogue between brands and people – B2B, B2C, partners, or employees. To manage long-term relationships (quarterly or annually) or lifetime value-driven (as opposed to one-off tactics), the dialogue can use personalization, experiential techniques, content driven, or target a community.

Social media is used to spark continued exposure (earned media, impressions, and interactions) with:

  • current news items
  • public interest topics
  • influencer marketing
  • product promotions or organizational updates

I wish everyone Good Luck !

Liz Palmer

I’m thrilled and honored to be selected as a Senior Judge for the 2023 Canadian Marketing Awards

I’m thrilled and honored to be selected as a Senior Judge for the 2023 CMA Awards and will be judging “Engagement” entries!

Looking forward to reviewing the best in #CanadianMarketing alongside leading marketing professionals in Canada. Submit your entries by July 21, 2023 https://thecma.awardsplatform.com/

Liz Palmer
Wine Journalist, Author, and Global Influencer

Digital Wine Marketing for Wine Journalists

It was an honour and a privilege to participate as a speaker today for FIJEV [Journalistes et Ecrivains des Vins et Spiritueux] members on the topic “Digital Wine Marketing for Wine Journalists”.  

                       Wine Journalists Represent a Global Community

It was wonderful to see members from the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Roemenië, France, Hungary, Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Hong Kong, and Spain!  

Topics:  Social Media Users (Globally) – by the numbers; What happens in a social media minute; Why YOU must hit the ground running; Start with LinkedIn; What are the other top platforms to use?  Tips on how to write your bio for various social platforms; how to use hashtags; content writing for posts; how to stay relevant in the industry; and what are the trends for 2021


“Thank you Liz, great!! It’s something that is well over due in our community” – Paul Howard (UK) 

“Very good!  Thank you Liz – Filippo Magnani (IT)

#winelovers #winetrade #winewriters #winejournalists #winemarketing #winenews #instawine #socialmedia #digitalmedia #FIJEV #FIJEVwinetalk #winetalk #vin #vino #digitalmarketing #wineindustry #journalists #international

Wines of South Africa (WoSA)  launches ‘Spectacular South Africa’ Campaign

Wines of South Africa (WoSA) just announced they are launching monthly social media campaigns and an online campaign to promote “Spectacular South Africa” wines.

Building towards a virtual tasting of South African wines on Friday 22 May, the campaigns will run across all export markets, encouraging producers and their importers to become involved and support the hard-hit industry.

“In each market we will be encouraging importers, retailers and trade and to come together and get involved in the campaign and supporting the South African category, firstly on May 22, by hosting a tasting, opening a bottle of wine and sharing it on any of their social media channels, video and photos,” says WoSA’s UK market manager, Jo Wehring.

WoSA is keen to build upon the outpouring of support for the country’s producers at a time when lockdown has also been accompanied by a ban on alcohol consumption across the nation, plus a (now lifted) ban on exports of wine.

Dates and themes for the campaigns:

May 22 – Spectacular South Africa (all SA wines)

June 20 – Drink Chenin

July 24 – rosé

August 28 – sustainability (IPW seal, WWF Champion)

September 25 – MCC

October 10 – Pinotage

The social hastags include:

#SpectacularSouthAfrica #SupportSouthAfrica  #DrinkSouthAfrican #southafricanwine #tastingtogether #lockdownwine



This is one of my favorite events of the year!  Wine lovers around the world raise a flute or two to the quintessential wine of celebration.

The eighth annual “Global Champagne Day” takes place this year October 20, 2017.  Its exclusively a global social media event.

Here are some ideas to celebrate this unique sparkling wine that only comes from the region of Champagne, France.

Pop a bottle of champagne
Simply open a bottle of Champagne and enjoy a glass with the people who make your life special.

Host friends or business colleagues
Invite friends or business colleagues over for a Champagne tasting. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get together and taste a variety of champagne.

Organize a Champagne cocktail session
Invite friends or business colleagues over to create classic champagne cocktails and invent new ones

Organize a Game Night
Organize a Champagne trivia night in your home or at your favorite wine bar.

Go Out
Watch for events taking place at hotels, bars and restaurants.

Share our Photos, Videos and Experiences on Social Media
Instagram, twitter, facebook, all of the above

Hashtags to use:







or create your own!


Liz Palmer
Dame Chevalier de Coteaux de Champagne
Award winning author of The Ultimate Guide to Champagne

Twitter accounts:  @LizPalmer_Wine and @LizPalmer_

Instagram: @LizPalmer_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LizPalmerChampagne